Safety Point has the best structure to meet your need to sell or buy carbon credits. We offer you the best support, combining agility and competence for a smooth transaction.
Environmental Diagnosis is an environmental impact study using a set of tools and strategies that consists of evaluating all the environmental characteristics of a given area or company.
Phytosociological inventories or surveys aim to provide information on the horizontal structure and vertical structure of vegetation. Species inclusion criteria vary according to the objectives of the inventory and legislation.
The Environmental Impact Study (EIA) and its respective Environmental Impact Report (RIMA) are multidisciplinary technical documents with the aim of carrying out a broad and complete assessment of significant environmental impacts and indicating the corresponding mitigating measures.
The Environmental Impact Study (EIA) and its respective Environmental Impact Report (RIMA) are multidisciplinary technical documents with the aim of carrying out a broad and complete assessment of significant environmental impacts and indicating the corresponding mitigating measures.
Sustainable construction is defined as a holistic process that seeks to restore and maintain harmony between the natural and built environments, reducing negative impacts and creating positive impacts on our environment during all stages of development.
Environmental Licensing is the process through which the construction, installation, expansion and operation of enterprises and activities that use environmental resources, which are actually or potentially polluting or capable, in any form, of causing environmental degradation, are previously authorized.
Environmental expertise is an activity whose main function is to investigate and look for possible causes of a given event. With the aim of resolving the facts in a technical way, proving it to the responsible authorities.
The Health Services Waste Management Plan (PGRSS) is a technical document that aims to guide the correct management and disposal of waste resulting from health services. Each establishment in the area is obliged to draw up its plan.
The Solid Waste Management Plan (PGRS) is the document in which actions relating to solid waste management are indicated and described, covering aspects relating to generation, prior segregation, packaging, internal transport, storage, collection, external transport, treatment, final destination and environmentally appropriate final disposal of waste, to protect health and the environment.
The Environmental Regularization Program - PRA comprises, in accordance with Federal Decree 7,830/2012, the set of actions or initiatives to be developed by rural owners and squatters with the objective of adapting and promoting environmental regularization with a view to complying with the provisions of Chapter XIII of Law No. 12,651, of 2012.
The Degraded Areas Recovery Plan – PRAD is requested by environmental agencies as an integral part of the licensing process for activities that degrade or modify the environment, as well as after the enterprise is administratively punished for causing environmental degradation.